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1:53 in the morning why so late? Coz I been up fucking wasting hours of my life doing “online training” for work.
All of it complete bullshit, 0% of it relevant and 0% of it is useful in any way. 

So why do it? 

Well…… because the route of minimal fuss is key to achieving FI. Besides by me getting this done means I can put pressure on my DPMs (Deputy Pharmacy Managers). 

At the moment everything in life is about ammunition. 

I have to have more bullets than you and faaaaaackkking hell have I been saving a lot of these bullets for a long time.

I need to ask my manager for an increase in hours (effectively a pay rise) tomorrow if I get it wow will that be a massive sign about my activation!!!!!

Guess what I pulled out another £200 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I’ll explain tomorrow it’s late and I want to watch someone else play spiderman on the PS4 via youtube. You work that one out.

The focus in me, is the focus in you.

When you realise how insignificant you are, you can ride the wave of everyone’s else’s false significance, to get to where you wanna be,,,,, see