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You fuckers thought I was gone innit! DON’T ever play with my integrity like that! What have you been doing then Abhi?

I have been studying to become a PRINCE. A PRINCE2 to be more precise, I spent £345 quid to listen to and write ALLLLLLLLLLL the notes in the world for two weeks, revised for one and then took this really stressful test.

But I passed with 77%, so I’m a fucking prince now, don’t get jealous if you reading list then you are royalty too.

Lots of stuff going on at the moment. In preparation  of my brother getting married I got told to paint fences. So I thought I would be mad clever and buy a paint spray gun only to practically spray half the paint into my face (coz I didn’t factor such things like wind!).

I don’t give a fuck nothing and I mean NOTHING about a wedding is complicated, fuck knows why everyone gets so stressed.

That reminds me we kinda got mugged off from some family friends that we practically knew all our lives but not considered important enough to take a picture with?

My mum was important enough to be at their house all week, cook, serve help and do all this random shit during the whole week to the build up of the wedding but on the actual day there was only a “set amount of photos that could be taken” with the bride and groom and we weren’t included. 

Random but fuck it, I’m trying to get better at just venting my problem with someone or people and leaving it at that…….

Oh yea and another thing!! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA How many wankers bought crypto thinking they knew what they were doing! 

“OH YEA I BOUGHT THIS ONE COZ OF THE EPOCHS, WATCH WATCH IT WILL BE & 7000K for one bitcoin in two months time”!

PLEASE JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP.  There is only one whale that I know that lives in feltham somewhere he is the only person I know that ACTUALLY knows what he is talking about and do you know how I know that he knows what he’s talking about???


I have been putting a minimal amount into it and THANK GOD I DID, because I’m so comfortable with the losses I have incurred (TRUST ME I HAVE LOSSES ON DA TINGGGGGGZZZZ)

I’m so comfortable I’m going to try and CUSS crypto into another bull run. I shall start like this

“I am not saying that crypto buyers are stupid, just that they are constantly unlucky when they try to think.”


Okay net worth time!

(This was an old post, so I can’t be fucked to do my net worth as I’m in the process of writing another post for 2moz!)