The name is Abhi ………………………………………………….. ART COLLECTOR!!!! lol
You ever heard of Agnes Martin or maybe Keith Haring….. NOR HAVE I!!!!!!
Guys, I’m a fucking Art collector now (art investor to be more specific I don’t actually own any of the paintings! HOW BLOODY BOUGIE AM I!???? Lolololo
What’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny is that one of the pieces I’ve invested in I SWEARRRR DOWN just looks like horizontal wallpaper!!! PAHAHHAHAHHAHA I ain’t even joking!!!
Are they good investments well we will know roughly in 3-10 years time.
I’m just going to smoke on a pipe and moonwalk in the Tate Modern with my corona mask on. You know who I feel like, I proper feel like this guy!