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What up party people so I wanted to tell you about a sly one investment strategy. The SEC went to war with Elon Musk the other day and filed some bullshit against him for tweeting about taking Tesla private (apparently it set the markets into shock,,, If one company can send a market into shock fuck knows whattttttagwannnnnn). 

Any way they were threatening to sue him and remove him from the company (as we all know elon is tesla …..yawnnnnn). 

So tesla’s shares dropped by 30%. This happened on whatever day. 

However over the weekend

It became clear that Elon was not going to lose his CEO status and received in my opinion some minor penalties. Because it was the weekend I knew that markets couldn’t open till monday so a thought crosses my mind that I was going to buy 5k of Tesla shares and wait till the end of the day and sell on monday as I assumed there would be a bounce back.
The shares did bounce and by 17.5% so I would have made £850. 
So my logic was sound and my impulse thought was correct. So why didn’t I do it?

1. I’m sure to you it’s clear it was a very risky almost impulse type investment.

2. It’s not a tried and tested theory as in I haven’t been able to replicate it loads of time.

3. It’s the opposite of what Benjamin says, it’s just pure speculation.

But I wanted to tell you about it because I want to see (or try to foresee) another similar event to this one, tell you about it before and watch if a bounce happens. I believe if I can do this 4 times in a row (5 including this one) 

I might give it a go on the 6th !!!! Shit that’s scary.
Ok only two weeks until I get paid, CANNOT WAIT TO INVEST!

8.5m/s that’s how fast I can run at my top speed!