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Right let’s get straight into it. 

R>C>A = Root Cause Analysis



 “Who?” I hear you ask. No that “who” I’m talking about is the World Health Organization (W.H.O)! 

I’m going to use extracts from this guy I recently started following called Ben Thomson and runs this thing called “Stratechery”

“At every step of this outbreak the WHO has sought to praise and accommodate China, despite the fact that news about the initial outbreak was forcibly suppressed, the fact that China violated WHO guidelines with the severity of its quarantines (which to be clear, appear to have been effective), the fact that China hid the transmission rate amongst health care workers from the WHO until February 14 and waited weeks to even allow the WHO into the country, and only then on carefully scripted and chaperoned tours.

Those tours — which again, took weeks to negotiate, even as the coronavirus was spreading all over the globe — resulted in this report. It is, indeed, exceptionally effusive of the Chinese response, and contains no mention of China’s cover-up of human-to-human transmission in particular, which led to this tweet from the WHO:

World Health Organization (WHO)


Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China.

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12:18 PM – Jan 14, 2020

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This was particularly unfortunate given that Taiwan had told the WHO on December 31 that there was human-to-human transmission.”

The last two lines are so key here. 

On the 31st, Taiwan told the WHO that there was human-to-human transmission. 

Let’s just forget and Ignore the fact that China and Taiwan hate each other, it has nothing to do with the WHO or at least it shouldn’t, right?

JAN 14 the W.H.O put that stupid tweet out “of no clear evidence of human to human transimission”

How many days between the 31st and the 14th? 

14 right? (I’m only asking that because I can’t add).

14 days, roughly about the same amount of time I’ve been tracking Covid-19 in the U.K and the U.S.A.

14 days of which there have been 2921 deaths in the U.K and 5102 in the U.S.A

14 days that on a world scale is too depressing to go away and find research to find out how many deaths there have been.

Because of a simple lack of transparency from the W.H.O. The rest of the world had been given an excuse to not prepare, to not get in gear, to not get blinded by the lights.

When you see a Tweet from the World Health Organization saying “ don’t worry, no human to human transmission here”, what do you think Boris or any other government leader for that matter is going to do? Shrug their shoulders and move on right?

If the leaders in WORLD HEALTH tell you there is nothing to worry about, why worry?

So you will hear many people blame China for hiding everything under the sun (which I don’t disagree with), but just like Keith Joseph was the prick behind my parents suffering for two years.

The World Health Organisation is the evil which I will label again as “pussies without transparency”.

China will serve as the face of all this but when my children ask, this post will help me remember who is the blame,,,,,, behind the blame.


The earliest case in the UK was on the 28th of February. 

Did that feel like a long time?

Well it was the 24th of March when Boris Johnson and his government issued the “stay at home” order.

25 days! 

25 days of basically giving the public no direction and letting them try to predict how this was going to play out. (product prediction of the masses: toilet roll lololollol). 

People mixing and mingling left right and centre giving Covid every opportunity to infect us exponentially.

All the while I’m arguing with a dear friend about how it makes no difference whether I stay at home or not because the rest of the masses have fucked it for a whole 25 days. 

Mathematically he’s right but take a look at the real world and you will see no one really is practicing social distancing correctly at all.


My duty pharmacy manager two weeks ago put somewhat of a divider for the pharmacy to encourage customers to practice social distancing. A really proactive and really thoughtful act with regards to the safety of both our colleagues and our customers too wouldn’t you think?

Our store manager came to visit her roughly an hour of her putting this divider up, guess, just guess what he came down to tell her?

Praise her right?………………………..WRONG!

She got told to remove it as it would scare customers. 

Imagine that , imagine doing something that would ACTUALLY save lives and being told to undo what you have done. 

“Hey put that back, you’re scaring the customers. I’d rather have people die then have my customers scared and complaining that they had to wait a long time before they could get served.”

Today is 03/04/2020, 10 days after the stay at home protocol had been activated and I just got a protective screen put up on my counters. Tesco can get anything made and delivered in stores if it will drive profit during christmas, but saving lives,,,,,, nah wait 10 days.


Working in a retail setting, you do really see the worst in people. NO ONE STILL GETS IT.

NO ONE gets that keeping your distance is what is going to protect people from living or dying.

Another pharmacist friend of mine said to me this week

“Abhi I got so worked up at customers this week, I shouted at customers.”

“That is sick I rate you”

“Just my faith and perception of human beings has been diminished, it’s so disappointing but then I realised”

“Realised what?”

“It’s because I’ve had an expectation of humans and I shouldn’t”

What a BAR! “It’s because I’ve had an expectation of humans and I shouldn’t” that is going to stick with me for a very long time.

When my kids ask what was Covid-19 like and who was to blame? I’ll say “son/daughter, have a read of my root cause analysis and make whatever you will of it”.

Forgive me for saying it, but when you take a step back and look at it, we were always set up to fail and nothing, NOTHING us as individuals could have done anything to make the slightest bit of difference.

2020 is the year, holy shit it is the year! 

But maybe it’s MY year and if you want it to be yours you are going to have to really focus on your wants and needs because one thing is for sure you are getting no free rides in the next 5 years, none at all.  

Tomorrow NET WORTH DAY! 

Hope you are all ready for another shocker!!!!!! lolol 

See you on the flippers!