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For my pharmacy manager brother who came in the game at the same time as me.

Who when he landed his first proper store (not Brooklands lol!), suffered and endured ALL the bullshit and weird fucking complex issues for at least a year like me.

Whom I connected with in a room full of colleagues and realising that we may be the only two people in the room deemed clinically sane (or insane depending on how you look at it! lol)

Who when asked by our mutual manager at the time to go help Ashford (HOLY FUCK THAT WAS AN EXPERIENCE!!!!) met me and exchanged a look that said only me and you could be in this place and not lose our fucking marbles!

Who got overlooked for a promotion when he was easily and clearly the best candidate

Who had an interview cancelled because the fucking England game was on!

Who truly has not been appreciated by the company we work for

Who has been devalued by this company that we work for

Who has been and is currently going through some heavy shit. (self-administering chemo everyday, if we gon keep it real)

Who constantly was telling me 2020 is the biggest bullshit year ever! Lolol

Who has managed to find a role that is ONLY the beginning of finding his true value

Who I’m super proud to call a brother, in arms and in real life.

Congratulations and thanks for showing me at least one version of the path!
