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What up my party people!!!

Today has easily been the best day of my 2020! That’s right MY 2020 (of course it can be yours if you want it too!!

I bought my birthday present in advance in of my birthday, I’m excited for it because it actually has 20 in it’s name!

Then I just shared such a sick experience with one of my day one boys!

The power in “doing” is so special.

I got inspired by something I was listening to which I shared with a number of friends. To be honest out of four to six people, none of them responded, nada zero.

I’m not someone who usually tells people, “oh you gotta listen to this” and so I thought that sharing this with my friends who are into rap and hip hop would think, “well Abhi hardly ever recommends stuff in general so if it’s coming from him I’ll give it go”.

One guy however, MY DAY ONE PLAYER came through and I have to say not only did he enjoy recommendation, both me and him got hyped enough to do a recording of ourselves based on the subject matter we both listened to!

It sounds weird me saying this to myself, but I really have zero expectations of people for the most part but when you choose not to force things the real ones always come through.

Pay day tomorrow so touchwood I’ll drop a net worth post too.

Two posts in one week!

Lucky you ey! lolololololol