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HOLY FUCK! I started reading “How to own the world” by Andrew Craig. Mutherfucker I started 3 hours ago. 

I’m already on page 77. I’ve never been one to seek for validation but my god has Andrew helped me feel it on my path to FI. 

His explanation on inflation is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick and makes me realise how badly the government, politicians and the Elites in general assume (and for the most part they are correct) we are all such cunts.

I been basically treated and thought of as a cunt for the last 8 years of my working life

From his explanation of inflation, i’m going to try and explain my own simplified version of inflation.

Imagine you have 4 dickhead children and you have to provide them each a packet of cheese and onions walkers crisps for their stupid fucking pack lunches.

Each of these packet of crisps cost 50p 

4 x 50p = £2.00

Five years later on the news you hear some dickhead on the BBC saying “inflation has stayed the same, you’re also for some stupid reason your still fucking providing your kids with pack lunches but this time you notice yours kids say we still hungry “mummy/daddy”.

You’re thinking how the fuck are these morons still hungry? So you investigate and notice that every bag of crisp has half the crisps it had in it 5 years ago. To counter this “because god forbid you don’t want to be the parent that starves their children” you adapt and buy 2 packets of crisps for every child but you also notice that the price of each packet of crisps is now £1.


8 x £2 = £16.00 

The government would say that inflation has risen by 300% in the last five years (the difference in the price the product cost 5 years ago compared to now)

But you have to buy double the product coz the cunt company is halving what they are putting in the product so in fact inflation for you is actually 600% because you have to buy it all twice to keep those fucking kids from crying about being hungry all the time.

That’s inflation guys! and you including myself have been all cunts to not fucking realise this early enough.

Thanks Andrew ima go back to reading what you have to say next right now.
