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What is up my party people?

I’m calling you my party people because at the moment that is the one thing none of us are allowed to do lol!

Covid-19 is soon to be in full effect that means no travelling, no talking, no playing, no NOTHIN!

Before I start moaning, ranting and raving I want to ask you how are you? 

I hope that you and your loved ones are all safe and are respecting all the right protocols that are right for you!

Right, I fucking hate people. People are literally retarded fuckers. The behavior, the moaning, the “the surgery said it would be here”

“I understand sir but I haven’t received the Rx yet?”


“Yes but that doesn’t actually change the fact that the Rx is not here….. Why don’t you give the surgery a call?

Ring ring………

“ Oh, the surgery said it is waiting to be signed by the doctor”

Then with no hint of an apology the cunt just walks off into the distance.

Only I can be the only fucker working when the rest of the world is working from home!

Even worse, I’m working in a TESCO!

It’s been really tough and it hasn’t even been a full week yet. I can safely say in 10 years of being a pharmacist this has easily been my busiest ever. 

Genuinely couldn’t have done it without my DPM who i have to say is INCREDIBLE. Mum of two SMASHES OUT work like it ain’t a thing but a chicken wing on a string! 

My team is super small, we are stupidly/dangerously under hours (a touchy subject that I need to speak about in another post) but we doing it like LL.

We are feeling the strain, but you will never feel or see me flinch. Why? 


If you are alive RIGHT NOW RIGHT THIS MINUTE you got too much to be happy about!

Kobe ain’t here and yet we still are, don’t lose sight of that in all this mayhem.

Which brings me to the crescendo of my post today. 

What learnings, thoughts and teachings are you going to take from this ONCE IN A GENERATION EVENT?

When Covid-19 has had its way with us (the human race) what lessons are you going to fucking take to the grave with you when that time comes?

I’m going to give you a week and then I will share mine.

Laters with the pen and papers

One Reply to “I’m going to give you a week and then I will share mine……….”

  1. Abhi I hope you are okay and honestly it is important that you are looked after by Tesco and that you look after yourself. Pharmacists have always been undervalued in many ways by the NHS and now when everything is being shut and locked down, pharmacist are frontline keeping it all going. If you get I’ll…then severe issues. I’m being asked to work extra at the surgery I’m at, which is fine but with the schools being shut down and having to take the kids to some hub daycare school for local children is causing me and them anxiety. Our whole family is anxious. But got to make the best of this…it it all for a positive result…to protect lives. As long as we remember that it will be okay. Time to be firm with all the patients too …. tell them you are under pressure…and if you go down then nobody will get their meds so calm the f*** down

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