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I want to refer to my post 

Here we are with cases in the U.K

We still ain’t at my threshold of 0.7 for easing of lockdown restrictions with regards to cases

But we are really close with regards to the number of fatalities on that magic 0.7 number.

It is depressing to potentially believe that this was all preconceived and that irrespective of the number of deaths or cases, behind the scenes institutions were told “don’t worry 4th of July we all gooddddddd”.

This is how the game of life plays out sometimes you either in the know or you are not.

It’s almost like the government watched Independence day and saw the scene where Jeff Goldblum explains what a virus is and then they saw Bill Pullman give his speech about the 4th of July being Independence Day and everyone in the cabinet was like “yes guys let’s just agree on the 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!!”

It doesn’t matter, we’ve navigated the worst of it and I truly believe there will be no second wave because guess what? The first wave never ended, the first wave never ended…….

Next blog coming at you at some point this weekend!

Signing off 
