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Guys I have let myself down. You and myself down. If becoming a millionaire and becoming financially independent is my goal and dream, then the way I have behaved this month with my money means I don’t give a fuck about my dreams enough.

I bought the TV, as well as a hoover as well as 500 other things black friday associated. 

I fell into that “fuck it” trap so much so that I know when my credit card bill comes through I will not be happy, because that money could have been spent working for me by investing it.

I love my TV I think it’s incredible and feel like it will last another 10 years at least, but was it more important than my dream? I dunno now?

How do I tell myself that it is again coz my actions most definitely aligning with my words.

I been through similar things before with failures of promotion, relationship break ups, not playing well on the football pitch and I have a kind of worked out process for myself.

Let me try and walk myself through it.

  1. Forgive myself – So fucking hard to do, but by forgiving yourself you acknowledge you have made some mistake, 9/10 the mistake is trivial, doesn’t affect the big picture at all and if it involves anyone else chances are that person is not beating themselves up or putting themselves into a negative mindset like you are.
  2. Workout solutions to rectify the problem. This was one bad month Abhi how bad is the bill going to be? Will it stop you from investing this month? Doubt it, maybe this month all you can do is put in as much as you can which won’t be as much as you usually do but nevertheless something is always better than nothing
  3. Focus on the good side of your initial “bad” decision, you bought this stuff while it was all heavily discounted for black friday you checked camel camel camel to ensure you getting the most out of your money and what’s more your happy with your purchases.
  4. Find you centre and be ok with yourself again, find out how much money you have and as soon as that bill comes in pay it and push forward with your investing plan.

Fuck me I feel better after that. Right I have to get down to this Net worth stuff again as I deliberately avoided it coz I felt like tosser for what I spent on Black Friday.

Maybe tonight maybe tomorrow I’ll be back with where I’m at.

Sorry again guys, but we’ll get there!