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Guys I can’t begin to tell you how infuriated I am.

I literally can’t believe how many times I had been picked on and insulted by my own and my extended family.

Yes my brothers wedding week is finally completed, thank fuck for that! I get that they are stressful times.

But I guess it is only under stress that you can tell what is real.

This post is for me by the way, ain’t got no financial elements to it, y’all can wait till friday for the net worth update.

Let’s start

During the middle of our pre-wedding event, my cousin’s in the middle of event go and order dominoes for there spaz kids because apparently “the food is a bit too spicy for the kids”. 

Which under normal circumstances would be fine IF YOU HAD ASKED EITHER of my parents (who tend to be reasonable people).

Just randomly ordering dominoes to an event in my opinion is stupid enough as it is, but to top it all off! Guess what they did?

Our event was held outside and they made their kids eat this pizza in our front room which had all these gifts that we was going to hand out to people when they leave,  and they just left their manky boxes and half eaten pizza in that room just like a little surprise for my Mum to just clean it up at the end of the day after a whole week of slaving away trying to get everything organised for this event.

The next night, my dad was questioning both me and my brother about how he was going to get back from the wedding venue back home. Both me and my brother told him there is plenty of space in loads of cars and that it will get sorted. My brother then left to go bed, and my dad goes fucking physco and starts swearing at me for the very just thing we’ve just spoken about?!!!   

(It’s almost as if, I won’t say what I really want to say to Aman I’ll just save it for Abhi????)

The following morning on the wedding day my little nephew from my mom’s side, (who’d I had given my bed to their family to sleep for the whole week and would happily do so again), was just talking utter shit for like 5 mins straight while I was floating up and down between floors.

All I said was “ are you still talking buddy?!”

Just for my mum to tell me “ stop talking to the kid like that the parents might get offended?”

COME AGAIN? WHAT? You had those cunt kids defacing our front room with pizza you didn’t say shit to their parents or them, and yet you’re here correcting MY BEHAVIOUR? WOW…………………..


Middle of the wedding a great well executed ceremony was all done.

I waited for everyone to eat and the queue to die down before I could eat.

Prior to this I told my brother to let me know 45 mins before he wants his car to come back as my other cousin brother told me “Abhi I have the drivers number he told me let him know 45 mins in advance when you want him to come back”.

So there I was eating what I consider a well deserved meal and Aman approaches me asking me about the car so I told him “hey Manu has the drivers number just tell him and he’ll call the guy”.

10 mins later in front of the brides brother Aman approaches me saying “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, why are you still here eating I need that car!”

I don’t think that was an appropriate way to speak to me in front of anyone let alone the bride’s brother don’t you think?

Then to top it all off, my other cousin gets absolutely wasted, his wife leaves to go to the hotel, but he wants to stay? 

He stays and basically I have to listen to him ramble on for 45 min slurring and talking about being upset because someone said something about him…………. This was at 3 am.

I feel super hurt because, on a day that I really wanted to be happy, I just felt really alone.

So I wrote this today as a marker for myself to communicate with myself to never forget how the people that meant the most to me, made me feel on this supposedly “auspcious” day.

To forever remember that if I ever get married, that none of those selfish cousins including there their parents will ever get invited and to remove ALLLLLL or at least most of the decision making for anything and everything out of my immediate family hands as I don’t think they can handle high pressure situations AND the fact that they all treated me like an absolute cunt when I made no mistakes and simply delivered and problem solved pretty much everything that came my way.



Net worth Friday I PROMISE!

One Reply to “I feel super hurt because, on a day that I really wanted to be happy, I just felt really alone……”

  1. Abhi!!!!! You are worth your weight in gold, diamonds, and platinum. Not crypto! You had so much responsibility at the wedding and people took their frustrations and stress out as you were the easy target. Sorry to hear that. It is not nice at all. But they will always need you, so give them an opportunity to redeem themselves too (apart from the Dominos guy..WTF was that! Who does that?)

    When it is your wedding, make it a destination wedding with on a handful of people, so you can avoid the drama!

    Look after your parents, blood is thicker than water and it will be okay x

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