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I know I been away for a while and I realise the fact that I tend to come here either when I have the time to update you on my financial independence hype (see next post) or when I’m so furious with something. SO IT’S TIME TO BREAK THE CYCLE!!!!! lol

A dear dear friend, NO let me re-phrase a BROTHER has helped me obtain a job for the crown. That’s right I have a new job, ( ANYONE READING THIS DO NOT TELL ANYONE!!!! IT IS STILL UNKNOWN TO THE MAJORITY OF THE WORLD)

I work for the Crown now.

Now I know this person is not one for huge thankyous. But Thank You Joe, thanks for giving me an opportunity when you really had no reason too.

Thanks for your help so far, and all the help you will give me in the future.

You’ve shown me that helping and giving opportunities to your real ones should (emphasis on should, haven’t proved myself yet! lol) pay dividends back to you 10 fold.

This is easily my favourite post of the year, because it’s about taking pride and being proud of something positive, rather then complain about all the continuous bullshit that goes on in our lives.

See y’all on the next post