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What up players I wanted to say I’m 100 pages in with regards to the Intelligent Investor, but i’m not I’ve been playing FIFA. 

Now I can see all your faces dropping thinking “this guy is full of shit, he’s just some knob talking a big game but all he is doing is just playing FIFA!” 

Maybe I am a knob but the beauty of what I have set up so far is that as long as I invest every month I’m still doing more than YOU!
One of the most important things I’ve learned in my 31 years of existence, is what to do when you have identified that you have done something wrong. 
Come on you know what I’m talking about! When you are catching up with your boys or your girlfriends and your discussing a problem.

“I need to lose weight, I need to remove this person from my life he’s toxic” blah blah blah.

Then your friend drops that one line “You know what I think you should do………………. I think you should join a gym” and you reply saying “your right, your right I should” but you have literally no intention of completing that action at all.

I have learnt to: 

  1. Identify “That feeling” of I should be doing this
  3. Have a go at doing what I should be doing whenever I feel ready 
  4. Expose myself to a little dose of it, untilllllllllllllllll,,,,,,,,,,,,it becomes a habit.

What do you think is the most important part of that step by step process is? Dammnnnn straight you guessed right, forgive yourself.
There are way too many cunts in this world to be beating yourself up about matching some false sense of standard of your own. 
The politicians, kingpins of the finance world, your boss, your colleagues all treat you and think of you as a cunt, so don’t worry if you fail at something you set for yourself, now i’ma go and read for 15 mins. POW

P.S I want to talk about a missed investment strategy that I wanted to implement but in some respects I didn’t have the balls to. Hopefully this will act as a reminder.