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So it’s been one week and one day since we last spoke. I set you a task, how did you get on?

Our Prime Minister Boris Johnson has put us into a lock down of some sort and we have a minimum three weeks of these conditions, potentially longer if the number of COVID-19 cases don’t stem.

Oh you thought I was going to bang on about it? Oh you thought I didn’t do the task? COURSE I DID! BUT DID YOU!! 

Did you?

I did here you can copy mine if you want you lazy people!

  1. Be grateful for the 1st world essentials:

People will be moaning around you, probably saying things like “ I’m sick of this, when will it end?, I feel trapped”. 

To this I say.

Switch the tap on,is the water running? Is it clean? Can you drink or bathe with it ?

Well just want to let you know that there are still 780 million people in the world that don’t. The U.K at 11,658 cases of covid which is DEFINITELY awful but 780 million people drinking water that is by definition is not considered an improved water source. To add to that “An estimated 801,000 children younger than 5 years of age perish from diarrhea each year, mostly in developing countries. This amounts to 11% of the 7.6 million deaths of children under the age of five and means that about 2,200 children are dying every day as a result of diarrheal diseases” (

Let’s not let others around us get, bent out of shape and act like we are suffering from “cabin fever”.  You hear anyone complain, just say “780 million”, nothing more and nothing less. 

  1. Value relationships: Valuing family is obvious. What I mean by valuing relationships is to re-evaluate people in your life, I mean is there ever a better time? Message people, INTERACT, CATCH JOKES, VIBEEEEEEEEE share some tunes from back in the day, share some tunes that you like right now. For the other side, go through your phone and delete those numbers, those DEADDDDD numbers of people you consciously entered into your phone, but subconsciously carry the weight of their bullshit toxicity every time you carry your phone. DO it GUYS you will feel so much clearer for it!
  2. Focus on that delayed gratification: NOW…….. NOW is the time to supercharge your positivity battery. All those goals you have set for 2020, they are all still there and waiting. It’s down to you how focused you want to be, is there ever a better time to plan, plan and plan so that when the lockdown is lifted…………boom you can hit the ground running!

When we obtain our so-called “ freedom” back, surely you will want that feeling to stay with you for as long as possible? That high will not only elevate your mindset and make you more creative but will also help you on all your missions and goals.

So these are my lessons that I’m going to hold true and really tight when this coronavirus leaves us, what are yours?

Safe my party people!

I’m getting paid next week so lot’s to talk about in the next couple of weeks!

In a bizzle