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So I finished my first book of 2020!

It’s called “The Economists’ Hour” by Binyamin Appelbaum. It was really educational but I ain’t gonna lie it was a tough read.

I really found its conclusion super profound so I wanted to write a bit of it out, here goes: 

“If you have taken anything from this book, I hope it is the knowledge markets are constructed by people, for purposes chosen by people – and they can be changed and rebuilt by people.

The market economy remains one of humankind’s most awesome inventions, a powerful machine for the creation of wealth. But the measure of a society is the quality of life at the bottom of the pyramid, not the top. The wilful indifference to the distribution of prosperity over the last half century is an important reason the very survival of liberal democracy is not being tested by nationalist demagogues, as it was in the 1930s.

I have no special insight into how long the rope can hold, or how much weight it can bear.  The answers may well be “a long time” and “a lot” although the rising tide of popular discontent since 2008 should inspire some misgivings. I am confident, however, that our shared bonds will last longer if we can find ways to reduce the strain.”

Pretty deep shit right?

Key things for me  “But the measure of a society is the quality of life at the bottom of the pyramid, not the top.” 

I relate because this is what my blog is about, to bring you with me! Not to say i’m at the bottom, middle or top, I just want to be FI!!

“ I am confident, however, that our shared bonds will last longer if we can find ways to reduce the strain.”

Reducing the strain is a super duper important. Tough decisions, things going sideways, telling someone to fuck off will always happen in life. The main thing to say to yourself before you let your tongue rip is “ how can I reduce the strain on me and the person I may be attacking?”

Coz believe me no matter how you put it they will feel like they are being attacked and so it is on you to carefully consider your approach.

Okay guys now to update my linkedin regarding reading this book!