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It has been crazy times since I last wrote to y’all. 

Some shit happened to me over the last couple days so I think I need to drop another 2 part ting, like P.Diddy I need a girl part 1 and then drop I need a girl part 2 lolololololol.

So Part One is about what happened to me and what I did on Thursday.

Thursday I went to the cinema to watch the Invisible Man with a couple of friends and as we were walking towards the entrance of the cinema we noticed some projectiles flying in our direction from behind us.

Subconsciously I think we all were thinking “it’s someone stupid, best thing to do is ignore them”………… A few steps further and one of these fucking things hits me in the back and it actually really hurt!

I instantly turnaround trying to clock what fucking moron has done this to me but the people I saw were miles away, so it couldn’t be them?

I stand fully still hyper aware for a while and I clock 3 lads one at least 6 ft 2. They walk completely straight faced at an angle and I’m staring at them turning anti-clockwise and guess what happens? The big lad smirks.

Now my mind is doing everything thing that it can to stem the fires burning in every fibre for my body, but it’s 2020 and in this year the rules have changed so in a classic aggressive Abhi fashion I go “ OI YOU FUCKING DICKHEADS”.

We enter the cinema and those three cunts who outnumber me 3 to 1 and have a considerable size advantage, enter through another entrance and I’m standing there ready to go.

One thing that happens to me when I’m angry is that I continue to get even angrier because I start overthinking in the moment “what if it hit my friends head?” “what if it hit my head?!” 

I deliberately make sure I look the biggest wanker straight in the eye, and make a point of looking directly at the other two too. 

I made sure I stayed square on so that none of them get an opportunity to throw anything more towards me or my friends. I know how angry I felt towards them. I’m sure my face detailed the fact too.

Considering the fact that there were three of them, you’d think they would be laughing at me or at least say something?

One was well built and probably uses his size to intimidate people around him, his two lil bitch mates use their association with the big lad as a tool to act stupid and “ARDD”. 

Guess what they said to me calling them dickheads and staring them out…….. Nothing.

They were intimidated by me!

Why did you need to hear about this story, because the invisible man (which was a really decent watch btw!) highlighted how much sensible, well behaved normal people put up with. If I acted “mature”, I didn’t challenge them. They could have hurt me more or even worse hurt my friends.

You have to have a line with this being “the bigger person” bullshit and if someone crosses the threshold you have to act! 

Now it might very uncomfortable for you to do that with close people and families alike but I’m telling you, you have to practice and persist with it.

The results will be liberating as fuck! 

BTW I’m not telling you to be as volatile as me, you can challenge people without having to swear or get ready for a fight, but I KNOW for a fact my followers don’t do it enough with 3rd party people, get comfortable being uncomfortable my 2020 people!

At home, at work, at social events even with family.

Don’t ever lose your fire!

Ok one more thing

The woman in the invisible man put up with so much psychological and physical torture.

I know you have people that only come to you and tell you they only “trust” you to voice their concerns and lean on you to not only “lend an ear” but also ask you “what should I do?”

You might do it to others? 

If you do make sure you, listen, more importantly ACT on the people you TRUST advice, otherwise don’t call them people you TRUST!

Part two is about the fuckery of the market!

Holla at your boy on the flip side!