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Before I start, nothing about my post has April fools in it, apart from the title of my post!

You know when you see the anniversary of something like “ 50 years since World War 2” or “20 years since women can vote” on TV and just out of interest you ask your parents about that particular moment in time.

Does what your parents say about that particular event ever match whatever the spokesperson says on TV?

Never right?

One example is the topic of Margaret Thatcher with my Dad. Whenever “The Iron lady” comes up on TV, my father tends to get the most angry that I ever see him (he is a very very very passive man). Leader of the Conservative party she was the face of a huge part of the privatisation of many companies that made up much of the infrastructure of the U.K at the time. 

The topic resurfaced again while I was reading the “economist hour” where again what the Iron Lady and her government were up to and how decisions about monetary policy completely fucked my parents life up for a couple of years at the very least.

“Keith Joseph, a key adviser to British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, declared that the United Kingdom needed more millionaires and more bankruptcies. “If we are to reduce poverty in this country and to raise our standard of living,” he said,”we need more inequality than we have now.”

The medicine did not work.”

Keith Joseph is a fucking a cunt, because they are the true instigators of an evil I like to call “pussys with no transparancy”

Thatcher, Obama, Trump are only faces of a bunch of “advisers” who rarely have a balanced approach to anything in their lives. This doesn’t give The prime ministers or presidents a free pass, not at all. 

Margaret Thatcher will forever in my dad’s eyes be the person that made him and my mum make mcdonalds boxes after doing 10 hours shifts as a pharmacist because of a crazy rise in interest rates, that left my parents with nothing left after they paid the mortgage and meant that some days only I ate as a little baby and they didn’t.

The huge spike of roughly 15 % on a mortgage, happened as a symptom of a monetary decision pushed by Margaret Thatcher, fueled by the words of fucking Keith Joseph and others like Alan Greenspan.

So push my mind into the future and I think of all the documentaries and films that will come out in about 5-10 years with regards to Covid-19 and I can see it now…………..

“Boris Johnson, The Prime Minister that successfully navigated the U.K through the coronavirus”    

“Donald Trump, The Prime Minister that successfully navigated the U.S.A through the coronavirus”

My kids, (if I get married!) are baitently going to ask “Dad, what was it like during coronavirus?”

It’s important that when the time comes I want my answer to be more than BOJO was a fucking clown. Oh defo he got a lot to answer for but this chain of fuck ups goes international baby and in places where you wouldn’t think.

In part Two I want you to come with me and do what we pharmacists call  “a root cause analysis” on how we have got to where we are so far. (all my own opinions of course).

Check y’all on the flip side