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I’m backkkkkkkkkkkkk. I finished the Wire on saturday evening and now that I have nothing to watch while my brother kills hours upon hours playing COD on my TV I thought let me give y’all a quick U.K Covid catch up!

Cases nearly close to the 0.7 mark once we go below this number I am literally in the “do what the fuck you want camp”. Not quite there yet!

As far as fatalities go we still in the upper quartile of the 0.7s’ so let’s not get it twisted as people are still dying, however the trend is still in decline and sort of in line with the re-opening of many of our fabled institutes (retail shopping centres, places of work blah blah blah)

I got my haircut today, I feel fucking amazing I actually valued the pain of growing my hair and suffering with that really crazy length where it is not long enough to tie it up but still long enough to cover your ears and eyes and to totally soul destroy your life.

Had to be done too many people that I actually value really started cussing my hair.

One of the best cusses I got was being called “ Frankie Cocozza”. Why is it one of the best cusses? Well it’s because I had no idea who he is , then found out he was on X- Factor and then went on to discover he looks like this:

So now you know why I had to get the biff cut!!!! 

Right I actually have at least another post to do this week about my property!

So you will be hearing from me soon enough.


PLEASE WATCH THE WIRE it’s too fucking sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

One Reply to “Being called “ Frankie Cocozza”………….”

  1. Love the graphs and commitment! Lol your hair! I had to cut the other half’s hair with hair clippers..ok it took me aaaages to do it for fear of cutting too much off BUT I did a good job overall. Unfortunately this means I have been hired to cut his hair long term..and marriage or no marriage..I’m not sure I could commit to that.

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