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A lot of volatility this month due to all this Brexit malarky. I think after a WHOLLLLLEEE year of spending I’m actually finally going to be in positive cash flow!!!!! The main thing that I’m most proud of is that I never gave up on investing, no matter how small the amount just consistently putting something in means that I am committed to the cause.

Ok let’s take stock

Debt + Liabilities 

£161,455 (Mortgage on the flat)

£40000 (Dad)

Total = £-201,455


Positive Assets

Cash = £197.03 (Liquid)

Stocks and Share ISA=£23,439.33(Liquid)

Gold – 3,223.99 (Liquid)

Tesco Shares Value -£61,302.14  (Not liquid)

Total = £88,162.49

Actual Net Worth =  £- 111,188.92  @ 21/09/2019

Actual Net Worth = £ – -113,292.51 @ 23/10/2019

A reduction by -1.86% which is not bad at all considering the volatility all over the fucking place. Everyone is saying a recession is on its way, I’ll speak about it when it comes!

Over and out my hype team!!