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10:45: Started week 2 of the data scientist course

12:04: Week 2 completed

13:07: Week 3 completed however final assignment to do 

17:09: Final assignment completed

21:00: Basketball

1:06: Started reading David Goggins “Can’t hurt me”


SHIT TAKE TWO dropped 13% today!!!1 What the fuck is that going to my portfolio????

Guess what!!!! I DON’T give a FOOOOOOKKKKKKKK. Everything has its place and everything else has it’s time. I’ll update you all when I get paid this friday



10:00 went tip with mum

11:00 went tip again with mum came back and pumped her tyres as one was well flat

13:17: started course 2 on data science

14:00 went rajvanshi, then went chahals, then went dehiwala

15:15 continued with course 2

17:02 Completed week 2 of course 2

Go pick up my bro

17:30: Went to Vauxhall to pick my car up

20:00: started week 3 of course 2

20:49: finished Week 3 Final Project left to do 

21:49 Final project completed!!!!!!!!! Course 2 DONE!!!!!