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Today has been one of the shittest days in history for me.

If you have been wondering why I haven’t posted for a while, it’s not because of forgetfulness or that I have too much going on.

The reason why I haven’t posted for a while is because for the best part of 6 months, I have technically been jobless!

What’s worse is that I haven’t been paid for 8 months (having effectively work for free for 2 months!!!) 

Imagine being owed 20k and being told that you’ll have it by the end of July along with a new contract and then from July onward being told various stories from different parties (not the same individual) saying “Abhi, everyone loves you and the way that you work, there’s something being organised for you“,  “Abhi I seen a statement of work with your name on it, your defo going to be back working again soon!”.

Imagine this going on for 6 WHOLEEEEEEEE months.

I’m actually really proud of myself, most people would have snapped a long long time ago, but I always see the best in people until I see the truth.

The worst thing is I genuinely don’t think I’ve been naive in any of this, all these accounts I have been portraying I know for a fact are accurate and this one individual, his guy being my current manager (or non-manager would be a more appropriate name for him) genuinely has treated me as a friend.

I also will not deny the fact that he gave me an opportunity fully well knowing I had no experience in the field at all. AND I am always ALWAYS grateful and pay respect to anyone who has given me an opportunity. (Probably why I have been so calm and considerate about the situation is because of the fact that he is the guy that had the power to give me the opportunity).

But like many before, you mistake my kindness for a weakness and thus instigate the beast in me.

So, to this individual – 

I felt bad that you was going through a divorce – this is why I was calm with you in the months of July and August….

I felt bad that you contemplated suicide – this is why I let it slide in September and November, while you was living it up in Ibiza…..

I felt confused when you found out that you have a 9 yr old boy with a porn star? – That’s certainly a December to remember…….

I feel nothing for you at all now that it’s January – your weakness is blinding, your life is tragic and I swear to god I will call you an absolute cunt to your face if I ever get to see you in real life, coz I’m cut-throat like a knife.

This ain’t the last of me that you will see,

the year is 2023 and my name is…….