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I’m sorry for pulling wool over your eyes.

If my last two posts were “dark” or “ranty” about the situation we are all facing with Covid-19 and made you feel some sort of anger towards those individuals I’ve mentioned in my previous posts.

Then I want to prepare you for the worst. I want you to be ready to be angry at me.

My last two posts were a ruse, a play to………..downplay this post (see my use of the word play!).

My root cause analysis was a means to get you my (roughly 7 to 8 followers) to feel angry towards other people and not me.

Why? Abhi why? I’ll hopefully explain the why well enough later. 

I do not want this to sound horrible or rude to those that have been infected, I most definitely do not mean any ill will to those that have passed away tragically because of Covid-19.

But I have to say it out loud that the CoronaVirus has presented me with one of the best investing opportunities ever.

With both the FTSE 100 and the S&P 500 already down roughly 25-35% and both potentially having further more down to go. With a little bit of thought and a lack of concern for getting it “spot on”. 

In my financially uneducated, no finance accredited mind there is money to be made here people.

It may seem ill mannered, but keep in mind, just keep in mind the people who I’ve mentioned in my two posts before. 

The countless lives that have been lost due to either their incompetence or for just protecting their own conspicuous agendas.

So I have some things to share. 

I have been tracking the number of cases and the number of deaths that have been occuring on a daily basis both in the U.K and the U.S.

We have been “socially distancing” for the best part of three weeks now right? With the intended purpose of “flattening” the curve.This is where we are with regards to the number of cases in the U.K and below is where we are with regards to the death rate in the U.K.

So what’s the big deal Abhi I hear you ask? Most of the media outlets are doing what you are doing as well too Abhi?

Well most people ain’t doing this or they are, but not really telling anyone about it.

What you have above here is me tracking a FTSE investment tracker alongside the number of co-vid 19 cases that are occuring.

My thoughts were as the number of cases continue to increase at an exponential rate, the price of the FTSE would decrease and I would therefore be able to buy at discounted rate so that when this whole corona thing blows over the uptrend would leave me “quids in”.

I started tracking this after the whole “biggest crash since 1987” where stocks have dropped both in the U.K and America by roughly 30% and you can see since then there has not been much change even though cases have been rising at an exponential rate.

What I’m trying to get off my chest is the fact that the moment that this Covid-19 got “real”………………..

I was not concerned about the amount of deaths it may cause.

I was not concerned about the businesses that may go out of business or the many people that might not be able to pay their mortgages or their bills.

I was simply trying to work out and seek out how I ( me, myself, Abhi) could potentially gain out of this situation.

I’m not proud about this, but in order to separate myself from the people that I mentioned in my previous blog posts ,  I’m being TRANSPARENT ABOUT IT!

Some of you may think less of me upon reading this, I won’t blame you.

The most important thing to me is that I’m transparent with you my truest friends and truest followers.

There’s a quote from the Dark Knight which tos and fros between a number of my friend circles’ it goes:

“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain.”

When I read up on number of “SUPER SUCCESSFUL” people and entrepreneurs the majority of them tend to follow this quote:

“ Live long as a villain and when it suits you , choose to make yourself out to be the hero.”

I’m not sure which one I’ll end up being but one thing I will never not do, is not be transparent either with myself or with you.

I promise I will do my net worth guys.

If it ain’t tomorrow then the day after.

Stay safe

Your Boi AT