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Hello PARTY PEOPLE!!! How are you all? I’m good thanks, I have been up to loads!!.

First off Phil Oakleys book was fantastic. It taught me about how to recruit and understand great companies by breaking down their actual financials.

I mean honestly without doing a number of exercises that he has described I wouldn’t have even had the faintest idea that Tesco (the company that I work for) hasn’t made a profit in the last three years!!!

All this time I have been buying into their share scheme for the best part of 8 years!!!

I have also learnt about really interesting useful and important terms such as debt ratios, interest yields and probably the most important value of them all,,,the CASH YIELD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cash yield has done something for me that I have been searching for a very very long time and that is to help set a maximum price for the shares that I’m buying. 

So to summarise really quickly 

I have what I’ve decided to call a “diversified ETF engine”, which is where the smart money goes (by smart money I mean my money!). I’ll explain this all in detail one day when I’m a multi-millionaire. 

So what I have been doing up until now, is paying into my ETF engine and then with what I had left over after my bills are paid I have been buying shares in TAKE TWO because of RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2(sick game BTW).

However this was a very poor approach (buying shares in TAKE TWO), because there is literally no point buying anything if the price you’re paying for it is too high. 

So I have quite a bit of homework to do on a fair few companies over the next coming weeks so that I can have an idea on where we are going to spend my extra money!!!

Tomorrow is New Years EVE!!! 

2019 is literally bearing upon us!!

What are your goals? What are your plans? Mine is to stay on this path for Financial independence this quest to break free from the shackles of the 9-5!!!!!!!!

I also went for my first run today

2k to the gym and 2k back =4k 

The aim is as my net worth is to accumulate I want the distance that I run over a period of time to accumulate too!

So let’s take stock of where I am for the last time in 2018!

Debt + Liabilities 

£161,455 (Mortgage on the flat)

£6000 (Family Friend)

£40000 (Dad)

Total = -207455

Positive Assets

Cash – £755.07 (Liquid)

Stocks and Share ISA- £14,498.99 (Liquid)

Gold – 1,695.19 (Liquid)

SAYE SCHEME – £50,485.19  (Not liquid)

Total = 

Actual Net Worth = £-137,274.02 @ 18/12/2018

Actual Net Worth = £-140,021.55 @ 31/12/2018

4k in distance run

You can blame black friday and the TV I bought for the decrease in net worth but 2019 is USSSSSS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot wait !!